My Luck and Loop adventure is inspired by two people. my mum and my little boy (A). Nearly four years ago I lost some one very special to me. This was Kate my mum, she passed away in 2010 the same year I had A. She worried she hadn't done much in her life, but she was a determined, fiery, caring soul and her interest in crafts, making toys and gardening has been passed on to me.
When I was growing up she made doily angels and hung them down the staircase every christmas, and paper mache clowns that guarded the stairs. Knitted brownie dolls for myself and my sister, with our old badges stitched on their arms. Matching cream knitted ponchos and hats with tassels, that swirled around our warm heads. She made us toy dogs and cats made from her clothes.
I miss her everyday.