My little boy (A) is about to turn three, we haven't done a party until this year, he was excited and I was feeling slightly hesitant, could I deliver a party to meet his wide eyed expecations? Ok, so at three the bar is pretty low, somewhere to run around and a large supply of chocolate and sweets and you've pretty much delivered, but I wanted to give him a party to make him really smile. I'd luckily been to a few friends childrens parties already this year and they had provided me with a few ideas.
Space is limited at home, so that excluded a cosy at home do. The local community centre provided a perfect venue, with plenty of room for running around and a bouncy castle thrown in for extra bouncy fun.
Music sets the scene for me, you need a good soundtrack to set the mood. A mix of disney classics, Thomas the Tank Engine tunes and a bit of boppy pop music was added to a new party playlist on my ipod. Unfortunately A decided ahead of his party that really only Thomas the Tank engine theme tunes was what he and his little friends would want to listen to, of which I had five, maybe six songs. I was sure he'd be having such a good time on the day he wouldn't notice the music wasn't Thomas on repeat.
The night before I got the party bags ready orange and blue paper for the boys and lilac and purple for the girls. They looked pretty all lined up in their neat rows when I'd finished...
The food I got ready the morning of the party with a bit of inspiration from pinterest and assistance from my sister.
The food was eaten by 14 little people and their big people.
Some fairy cakes were picked by hungry hands.
Some hats were decorated.
A few pom poms sneaked into the party too...
And those Thomas songs, we only had to listen to them two or three times.