I've been thinking for a while about making toys to sell, but lack of time, work, child, house, something has always stopped me from moving forward. Then I decided last year to really go for it and invested in some pretty woven Luck & Loops labels. Then I found this post by odds and soxlets in one of my meanderings around the internet and I realised it wasn't quite as straightforward as I'd thought. Toys need to be safe and the European Toy Safety Directive means that any one making and selling toys need to comply.
So I waited, did some more research, joined a couple of groups on Facebook for craftmakers who needed CE support and waited some more. I'm really good at waiting, thinking and reading about other people doing things, until finally I came to the conclusion I was just going to have to get on with it.
So I did, this is Kate rabbit, my first prototype toy I might one day sell. Shes made from 100% cotton, with wool felt and embroidered details. She hasn't been tested yet, that's for another day after a bit more waiting, thinking and reading...